Instructors: Chief Warrant Officer Four (CW4) Rodney G. Fagan, Senior Army Military Science Teacher: rodney.fagan@cobbk12.org
Master Sergeant Joseph Collins, Army Military Science Teacher: joseph.collins@cobbk12.org
Master Sergeant Delana Woodson, Army Military Science Teacher delana.woodson@cobbk12.org
Phone: 770-437-5900 x093/045 JROTC Web Page: https://rodneyfagan1.wixsite.com/ohsjrotc
PROGRAM CONCENTRATION: Government & Public Safety
MISSION: To motivate young people to be better citizens

Army JROTC Military Science - Leadership Education Training 1 - VIII (1A – 4B) Syllabus
SY 2019 - 2020
Instructors: Chief Warrant Officer Four (CW4) Rodney G. Fagan, Senior Army Military Science Teacher
Master Sergeant Joseph Collins, Army Military Science Teacher
Master Sergeant Delana Woodson, Army Military Science Teacher
E-mail Address: rodney.fagan@cobbk12.org /joseph.collins@cobbk12.org/ delana.woodson@cobbk12.org
Phone: 770-437-5900 x093 JROTC Web Page: http://rodneyfagan1.wix.com/ohs-jrotc
PROGRAM CONCENTRATION: Government & Public Safety
MISSION: To motivate young people to be better citizens
OVERVIEW: Army JROTC Military Science programs are administered by the Department of Defense. JROTC programs assist cadets (students) with the transition to a college student, a military career, the work force, or some other type of post-secondary institution of higher learning after high school graduation.
BENEFITS OF JROTC: JROTC is a high school program of instruction designed to teach citizenship and leadership skills, while instilling self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. Provides a national curriculum that is used to prepare them for postsecondary JROTC programs at the college level, workforce or entry into the military. Highly successful students have the opportunity of possibly being chosen to attend one of the military academies via scholarship. Cadets who choose to enlist or enter Senior ROTC (college) or the military may receive benefits through higher rank or advancement (more money and faster promotions).
One of JROTC’s main national goals is to have students graduate from high school, attend institutions of higher learning, and pursue meaningful careers particularly in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
COURSE TITLE: JROTC Army 1, Basic Leadership and Character Development Leadership Education Army 1 (LET 1 (1A & 1B)) – Master Sergeant Delana Woodson
Introduction to JROTC, Basic Leadership. This program will help students build a strong knowledge base of self discovery and leadership skills applicable to many leadership and managerial situations.
COURSE TITLE: LET 2 – JROTC ARMY 2A & 2B (Army 3), Intermediate Leadership and Character Development – Master Sergeant Joseph Collins
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course includes classroom instruction and laboratory instruction expanding on skills taught in LET I.
COURSE TITLE: Leadership Education Level Army 4 – 8 (3B, 4A & 4B) Advance Leadership and Character Development – Chief Warrant Officer Rodney Fagan
This laboratory course is designed to build on the leadership experiences developed during JROTC Army 1,2 & 3. Leadership strategies, managing conflict, leading others, planning and communications skills are evaluated to improve organizational effectiveness. Career planning is investigated.
Core Abilities: The JROTC core abilities describe the broad, life-long skills that every cadet needs for success in all career and life roles (Soft Skills. In each lesson, the core abilities will be introduced, taught, reinforced and assessed. These core abilities are: Take responsibility for your actions and choices. Apply critical thinking techniques. Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques. Build your capacity for life-long learning. Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country and the world. Treat self and others with respect.
Heath and PE: Starting in 2017-2018. JROTC cadets that complete three semesters of JROTC will received credit for Health and Physical Education.
Student Materials: Three-Ring Binders for Notes and Portfolio
Cadet Portfolio: Students enrolled in this class will be required to have a 3-ring binder to be used as a portfolio and notebook. Every cadet will create a portfolio that contains an organized collection of work based on accomplishments, personality and aspirations. The portfolio will begin upon entry in the JROTC program and be maintained for the duration of your enrollment in the program. The portfolio will reflect the student’s best work and provide insight and information on the cadet’s personal achievements and growth over time.
Grading Policy: Classwork 20%, Uniform Inspection 30%, Quiz 10%, Test 20%, Final Exam 20%
Attendance: Class attendance contributes significantly to academic success. JROTC cadets are expected to attend all classes regularly.
Grooming Standards & Wearing of Uniform: Cadets will wear an Army issued uniform once a week. The JROTC program is a uniformed program where discipline is judged, in part, by the manner in which a cadet wears a prescribed uniform as well as by the individual’s personal appearance. In addition, he/she will be required to have the uniform professionally dry cleaned or laundered per the instructions on the clothing tag. Lost or damage equipment must be compensated for like any other school property.
Uniform Day: Uniform day is every Thursday. The uniform will be worn all day. If you are not in school on Thursday, and have a valid excuse, you will be allowed to wear the uniform the next school day (usually Monday) except for Fridays in order to makeup your weekly uniform grade. Each Wednesday all cadets are required to dress professionally. Males: Collar shirt with and tie (coat is optional). Cadets may wear the issued JROTC tie and shoes. Females: Dress, at least mid-thigh high or slacks and blouse. Jeans and tee-shirts are not to be worn. See your teacher if you do not hand or cannot procure a professional attire. We want to teach the importance of the proper attire such as when going on a job or college interviews. This is a graded event. Uniforms will be returned at the end of the semester dry-cleaned (must have a cleaning tag)
c. Disenrollment from JROTC: Students may be dis-enrolled from JROTC if they: Withdraw from school. Demonstrate ineptitude for leadership training indicated by a general lack of adaptability. Fail to keep an acceptable standard of academic achievement, conduct, appearance, or attendance. All disenrollment’s must be approved by the SAI.
d. Recovery Policy: Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade will be allowed when all work required to date has been complete and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance. Students should contact the JROTC teacher concerning recovery opportunities. All recovery work will be directly related to course objectives and must be completed within ten school days.
Co-Curricular / Extra-Curricular Activities / Integrated Activities / Teams:
The following JROTC curricular activities are available to any cadet who desires to participate:
Varsity Drill Team. Coached by Master Sergeant Delana Woodson. Fees $60.00.
Rifle Team. Coached by Master Sergeant Joseph Collins. Air Rifle is a varsity sport. Varsity Fees: $30.00.
Varsity Raider Challenge Team. Coached by Chief Warrant Officer Fagan. Varsity sport. Fees - $70.00.
Leadership and Academic Team: Coached by CW4 Fagan. Compete with cadets from across the Nation. Competition Varsity Color Guard (male and female team). Coached by CW4 Fagan. Competes with drill team. Fees: included in Drill Team (only pay once).
Choir: No fees
Honor guard: Assists at special events at the school and in the community. Earns community service hours.
Event Color Guard: Performs at school events such as football, basketballs games and community events. Earns community service hours.
Saber Guard: Performs at special events such as Homecoming. Earns community service hours.
UNIFORM: All JROTC will be issued a uniform including new shoes, socks and t-shirt. The shoes, socks and t-shirt will not be reissued and stays with the cadet. The jacket and pants must be dry-cleaned before it is turned in. This is a major expensive for our JROTC program.
Lab and Uniform fee: Each cadet must pay $10.00. This fee covers the cost of a name plate and other small uniform items and events in JROTC. Additionally, cadets are required to purchase a JROTC PT shirt to be worn on Fridays. The cost of the shirt is $10.00. Cadets do not have to purchase a different shirt each year. If you cannot afford any fees in JROTC, please let us know and we will reduce or waive the fee.
Senior Army JROTC Military Science Teacher
Note: return this page to your JROTC Instructor for a grade
STUDENT: I have read the syllabus and will adhere to all of the establish rules. I understand the requirements and that I am responsible for the care of my uniform and must return all items issue to me. I understand that I must have and maintain a 3-ring binder (professional portfolio) for each JROTC class period.
Name: ______________________________ Signature: _________________________ Date: __________
(Print name)
Parents: We have a detention system in JROTC. If your child commits a minor offense such as accumulation of excess demerits, cursing, tardy for class he/she will be assigned teacher’s detention. They will be required to perform task such as cleaning the class room, outside areas or marching. They will be supervised and will not be mistreated. Please contact me if you have any questions on this policy. The alternative is a referral for disciplinary action to an administrator. The result of an administrative referral would possible be In School Suspension (ISS) or Out of School Suspension (OSS). Issued uniforms are the property of the United States Army and must be compensated for if lost or damaged just like any other school property.
You may send the $10.00 lab fee with this form or at a later date but before uniform issue as name plates must be ordered. If you cannot afford the fee, please send us a note or email. We will work with you.
PARENT OR GUARDIAN: I have read the JROTC course syllabus.
Name: ______________________________________ Signature: ________________________ Date: _____________
(Print name)
Phone number(s):Home:_______________________________ Cell:___________________________________
Preferred method of contact: ______ Phone call _____Text ________ Email ____ Letter mailed home
I give permission for my child’s photograph to be displayed on JROTC bulletin boards, newsletters, school or county publications and the JROTC Blog page. Blog address: http://rodneyfagan1.wix.com/ohs-jrotc
Circle YES initial _________ or NO initial _________
Questions/Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________
Please visit our website. The site can be accessed form the school web site, Organization – JROTC or http://rodneyfagan1.wix.com/ohs-jrotc
The signed syllabus must be returned for a grade and will be placed in the student’s administration file. The syllabus will be placed in the cadet individual portfolio.
Returned on the day due: 100% / Returned one day after due date: 90%
Returned two days after due date: 80% / Returned three days after due date: 70%
Returned four days after due date: 60%
Returned five days after due date: 0%, phone call home, counseling and demerits.
Teacher: GRADE: _______ DATE RETURNED: _______________
Practice active listening when others are speaking. Use positive language
Share your thoughts
Help as needed
Encourage others to participate
Give constructive feedback
Participate in group activities
Share clean-up
Align desks, return portfolios, books and other materials
Be a team player.
Know your role, play
your role and support
others in theirs.
Be open to different viewpoints & beliefs
Read learning target
Consider all POVs
Accept help
Take notes
Consider all POVs
Review learning target
Check your understanding
Listen to your fellow
cadet’s ideas
Arrive to class on time with portfolio, materials & homework ready
Get portfolio
Recite creed
Turn in Homework
Put away phone
Check board for directions
Start the Activating Activity
Complete learning activities in student handout
Complete work on time
Use your resources
Write reflection at the completion of each lesson & place in portfolio.
Complete closing activity
Turn in work
Clean your area
Complete your part
of a collaborative
project. Take
Follow class & school routines & policies
Honor Dead Time
(First 15 minutes)
If late, quietly enter, follow routines & get to work
Listen to speaker
Keep talking to table level
Be quiet during individual work
Honor Dead Time
(Last 15 minutes)
Follow the directions
of appointed cadet
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